I was changed because you LORD!
My life to be the witness & testimonial for Lord, Jesus Christ!

Sister Sela is a Women of Hope program listener through FM 103.5 in Koh Kong province. She told us that “I live in Kun Chhang Village, Koh Kong province. I was born in Phnom Pehn but I moved to live in Porsat province and after that I moved to Koh Kong with my parents four years ago. My husband is a fisherman and I am peeling crabs. I just delivered my baby around six months ago.
I worship at Bak Klong Church and love to listen to Women of Hope program. I remembered the lesson that talked about recycling the plastic garbage. It was really good lesson. After I listened to this lesson, I started to apply it in my daily life as I keep the plastic to store the crabs or something else. I always happy whenever I listen to who as it brings me good lessons; both in the lesson for life and lesson for soul. I really got much encouragement through listening to God’s word in WOH program. God is so good to me and my family. My husband has now accepted Jesus and we live in God’s grace together.

I was able to listen to Women of Hope after your visit last year as you left the programs for my church. My pastor always plays Women of Hope before the Sunday Service starts. I like your programs very much as I learned a lot from it. The programs encourage me to love, forgive, share, and help each other and to pray for them too. One day my children asked me who is the one who created trees and mountains. Through listening to your program , I could tell my children that God is the One who created everything. Anyway, thanks for coming to visit us and sharing with us about “Forgiveness”. May God bless you and your team.
Mrs. Rona Gnan
My name is Rona Nhan and I live in Blang village, Ratanakiri province. I am 28 years old. I have 7 children (3 sons and 4 daughters). I accepted Jesus through my brother in law. He told me and my husband about Jesus but I ignored every time he spoke. He never tired of telling me about Jesus and he did good things to me all the time. Finally, God was touching my heart through my brother in law and I and my husband accepted Jesus.
Listeners' Response by Phone Call
Mrs. Preap Khen in Kompong Chnnang province.
My name is Preap Khem. I am 71 years old. I am widow and have one son. I live in Church as my pastor prepare small house for me. I worship in Thom Noup village CMA Church. I happy to talk with you. My husband died and my son in prison as he killed his wife. But Thank God for giving me shelter to live in church. I like to listen Women of Hope program as I listen through speaker box. I can hear God’s word every day and it bring me joy and hope. I thank God, without Him my life is really hard. He always gives me peace when I pray and give all my worry to him.
Listeners' Response Letter and Messenger
Ms. Kvas Joy, 29 years old, Ratanakiri province
Before when I angry with my husband even small thing, I didn’t want to talk and take long time to get well but after I listen one of the lessons in Women of Hope program, I am late to angry with him and share what I feel or concert. When my husband’s small business down, I can encourage him through the word of God that I heard from program, but my husband didn’t accept Jesus yet, please pray for him to accept Jesus.
Mrs. Kvas E from Sakreang village, Ratanakiri province
I listen Women of Hope program through speaker and USB. I listen it as group. The lesson in the program guide me to know more about life and understand about forgiveness. Thank God for giving me to listen this program and tanks to people who involve producing the program. The lesson in the program help me and I got encourage word through the word of God. Thank God for saving myself and take away my sin.