Youth Ministry
Why Focus on Youth?
Because we believe that God Loves the young people of Cambodia, who though they do not realize it, long for the love of God
Half of the current Cambodian population is under the age of 25, and is being influenced by a changing world
There has been a weakening of parental structure, youth lack adult figures in their lives who could instill in them a solid understanding of right and wrong
Youth need someone who will listen to them
Youth are the potential means of change in our society
How We Achieve This:
It's Yours' Radio Program
This 30-minute, once a week program is designed with the non-Christian in mind. The hosts endeavor to create a non-threatening atmosphere that encourages listeners to tune in each week to hear discussions about current topics interesting to youth. This "magazine-style" format consists of conversation, skits, interviews, contemporary Christian songs, and addresses today's relevant social issues. It's Yours brings new ways of thinking to Cambodia yyouth, and is pertinent to their everyday lives. The hosts do not preach, but do present Biblical principals to the solutions that they suggest.
Follow Up
At the end of the It's Yours program, cell phone numbers are given and listeners are encouraged to call in to ask questions of the It's Yours hosts. Through this means, the Youth Team is able to give advice to the young people and have more in depth discussions about Jesus.